
Patient's PRP Therapy Journey

Jan 10, 2022
Patient's PRP Therapy Journey
A new patient came to us for assistance with hairline density and thinning patches, becoming noticeable on his scalp. As we met and discussed his hair goals, we determined that PRP therapy was the best procedure for him.

A new patient came to us for assistance with hairline density and thinning patches,

becoming noticeable on his scalp. As we met and discussed his hair goals, we determined that PRP therapy was the best procedure for him. We reviewed the intensity and suggested frequency of PRP therapy to achieve the best hair regrowth results.

PRP therapy begins with a blood draw that is then place the extracted blood into a centrifuge. Centrifuging separates the blood component into three parts: red blood cells, platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from the sample in a syringe and injected directly into the scalp at the follicle level.

Patient's PRP Therapy Journey 1

This process offers precise placement of the PRP cells into the areas of the scalp where hair density and hair loss are of concern. Usually patients will repeat treatment every 4-6 weeks for up to four months. Then the frequency to maintain the new hair growth will lessen over time. The PRP process takes upwards of 90 minutes, there is no downtime for recovery and no limitations to your daily activities.

Patient's PRP Therapy Journey 2

Our client will return to us right around the one-month point to undergo a second PRP therapy treatment. We can't wait to share this clients hair regrowth journey with you in the next few weeks!

To learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy, visit our website or call us directly (916) 303-6226.